07. Dataset Schema Analysis
Dataset Schema Analysis
ND320 AIHCND C01 L01 A07 Dataset Schema Analysis
Key Things to Consider:
- Identify the predictor
- Identify categorical, numerical features
- Work with SMEs and Domain Experts
- Domain knowledge is key to representing data correctly
You can find this dataset in the notebook on this page to inspect the dataset as well as use the link below to get more specific information for the different categories.
If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.
Data Schema Quiz 1
Match what is True or False when analyzing the schema of a dataset?
Statement |
True/False |
Identify correlations between features |
Domain expertise is not needed if you utilize recursive feature elimination. |
Identify the predictor attribute/feature. |
Identify possible categorical and numerical features. |
Statement |
True/False |
Identify the predictor attribute/feature. |
Identify possible categorical and numerical features. |
Identify correlations between features |
Domain expertise is not needed if you utilize recursive feature elimination. |
Identify correlations between features |
Domain expertise is not needed if you utilize recursive feature elimination. |
Identify the predictor attribute/feature. |
Identify possible categorical and numerical features. |
Identify the predictor attribute/feature. |
Identify possible categorical and numerical features. |
Identify correlations between features |
Domain expertise is not needed if you utilize recursive feature elimination. |
Data Schema Quiz
Part - 1: Which features are categorical and which are numerical? Please use the Notebook workspace above and the UCI Heart Disease Dataset site to help you with this quiz.
Feature |
Type |
slope |
thalach |
thal |
cp |
trestbps |
Feature |
Type |
slope |
thal |
cp |
thalach |
trestbps |
thalach |
trestbps |
slope |
thal |
cp |
slope |
thal |
cp |
Data Schema Quiz
Part - 2: Which features are categorical and which are numerical? Please use the Notebook workspace above and the UCI Heart Disease Dataset site to help you with this quiz.
Feature |
Type |
fbs |
ca |
oldpeak |
sex |
Feature |
Type |
fbs |
ca |
sex |
fbs |
ca |
sex |
fbs |
ca |
sex |
oldpeak |